Lorese Vera MA
6 min readJun 30, 2020

REVOLT IN THE TIME OF PLAGUE PART 2: Ballads, Broadsides, and the Dissenter in the Dungeon.

Times change, and times change not at all, fellow peasants, and pitchfork season may be upon us again, a plague certainly is. As well as the disease plague, we have a plague of lies presented as truth, from those who rule us and want to control us, and it all started long long ago …

Once upon a time … the king of the castle had the peasants in absolute subjection. The rich owned the land the peasants lived on, the hovels they lived in, the dirt they planted in, the water they poured on the dirt, and the crops that rose from that dirt. In other words, they owned the means of production and the right to profit mightily from it. While the peasants eked out a subsistence existence, all ‘profits’ went into the king’s storage house. In bad times when crops failed, peasants who could no longer pay tax or rent in goods or services, were thrown out and left to starve, while the king and those he employed in his inner circle, ate from the storehouse. In times of plague, the whole court would move from cities to country estates full of clean air, sunshine and ample food, leaving the poor and the peasants to die in their hundreds of thousands.

The king’s main business was war, because profit was to be made from war in money, land, power, and prestige. When the king wanted to go to war, he would put a call out to his subjects to gather — to give their lives for their land and their freedom — they were consummate propagandists back then too. When the peasants refused, often telling the King’s men to fuck off — they had crops to bring in or they’d starve — the king sent in agents’ provocateur — creating the first ‘false flags’.

The term ‘false flag’ comes from a time when ships raised a ‘false flag’, or the flag of the enemy nation. When the enemy ship came close enough, the false flaggers attacked and pillaged. So, a false flag is an event that manipulates the belief of the viewer. On land, the king manipulated his own people by sending in his agents dressed in the uniform of the enemy country to attack his own people — to burn the fields and houses and rape the women. Then, in fury at the evil ‘enemy’ that the king had warned them of, the silly peasants easily became convinced of the necessity for war. Mark these modern times fellow peasants, and be aware of false flags and manipulation from on high.

These times were no stranger to intelligence gathering and narrative creation either. In the streets and taverns, agents of the king moved among the people dressed in disguise, either spreading dissent to turn subjects against others to consolidate the power of the king, or collecting intelligence for a dossier to present to the king. Freedom of expression and belief, especially political and religious belief not in line with the monarch, was not a concept that was tolerated. This was chargeable as sedition, and people were thrown into dungeons and left to rot, or tortured and executed — their heads on spikes or their whole bodies on trees or poles at the cross roads as an example to any would be dissenter.

But the common people did continue to dissent. Dissent by them was often by ballad and broadside — the social media of the day. Wandering minstrels sang them or spoke them on street corners and in taverns, around home fires — or wherever the poor and common folk gathered.

The king too, issued proclamations in the form of new laws or policy, or warnings of what would happen to dissenters, or declarations that someone was ‘wanted’ for sedition. The king was not above inventing tales of the evil the dissenter had performed — the ravaging of women, the slaying of infants, consorting with the devil and so on. There were many ways to destroy a reputation — and a fat purse or powerful position offered to give up the dissenter was also useful.

Freedom of thought and expression have always been valued, and sedition is only disagreeing with the authorities who are lording it over you after all. Even if the king called sedition treason or espionage — it was not. Treason or espionage is an action to sell out your own country to the enemy, usually for profit, and not caring that your country folk might lose their lives. The king’s ‘seditious treasonous subject’ was often the peoples’ freedom fighter. Even then, the peasants demanded truth and transparency from their rulers, not lies and manipulation.

I am telling you this tale dear fellow peasants — to paint a picture of the times we live in. Nothing much has changed. We’ve had revolutions and civil wars, but alas, we are still slaves to a system that cares at the very top, not a jot for our wellbeing. This system still manipulates us, lies to us, and destroys anyone who dares to expose its secrets and crimes.

In today’s dungeon there languishes a freedom fighter — Julian Assange, who stood on the street corner and declaimed his ballads for the world to hear — he told of the king’s treachery, of his false flags, of his crimes in war, of the tricks of his intelligence agencies, of the theft of the people’s wealth, of corruption in high places. He told us how we may live more honestly, and call our leaders to account. He made no money from this endeavour. Of course his words are seditious — but sedition is not a crime — or should not be, but, our current rulers are in the process of making laws to make it so.

The rulers are doing everything they can to destroy him — they said he raped two women — an age old smear. They say he put the lives of soldiers in danger but they forget to mention the millions they are killing in unjust wars — very much pointing out the mote in the eye of their enemy while ignoring the beam in their own. Many people choose to believe the leaders lies because they appear in daily newspapers in narratives approved by the rulers. Folks have forgotten to listen to the ballads and broadsides coming from the people! These days we call it ‘alternative media’ because the ‘mainstream’ media is owned by rich men who are in lock step with the mega wealthy, using propaganda and their extensive intelligence agencies to create a narrative that most people believe.

Fellow peasants, the kings are still in their castles, they still employ public officials and intelligence agencies to spread their lies, and to police the people, they still toss us pretty baubles from time to time to keep us happy, meanwhile they are passing more and more draconian laws to take away our peace, any chance at real prosperity, and to obtain total control.

It is time fellow peasants, to save our freedom fighter in the dungeon. We need to save him for his own sake but also for ours — he represents the last vestiges of our very democracy. We are being sent a powerful message by the rulers through his torture — the message is that the rulers can do whatever they want to any of us at any time, and this outside of our rule of law and various constitutions.

The hour is late and he is almost at his end. We see by his mock trial that the power of the rulers is almost absolute and we must act quickly. We must let our leaders know by pen and paper that we are aware of their treachery and demand the prisoner’s release. We must do what our modern media was originally designed to do — to ‘speak truth to power’ or in our Australian vernacular — we must work to ‘keep the bastards honest’. The bastards are not honest, fellow peasants, they are corrupt beyond corruption. Metaphorically speaking fellow peasants, we must take up our pitchforks and march upon the castle.

I leave you with a ballad fellow peasants, and some references below. Look for part 3 of my tale coming soon, where I will look at the evidence of the supposed crimes of our freedom fighter.

Ballad of an outlaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAisZP6Thf0&feature=youtu.be

The profits of the rich in this our time of plague: Lee Camp … in this plague the billionaires have made a killing https://consortiumnews.com/2020/06/18/lee-camp-the-secret-reason-billionaires-love-a-pandemic/

False Flags of history: “We are in the game of using covert means, we could get a lot nastier with that”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfoaLbbAix0&feature=youtu.be

53 Admitted false flag attacks: https://www.globalresearch.ca/53-admitted-false-flag-attacks/5432931

Murdoch Press false flag http://the-pen.co/manufacturing-the-story/

If our ABC is sold to Murdoch, you can kiss Australian main stream free press goodbye: https://twitter.com/JulianBurnside/status/1277566439340179456

Persecution of Assange and narrative control: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2020/02/22/assanges-persecution-has-exposed-media-depravity-the-world-over/


Why the World needs Wikileaks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNOnvp5t7Do&t=3s

Lorese Vera MA
Lorese Vera MA

Written by Lorese Vera MA

Educator, Writer, Editor. Left and Green Politics. Defending Julian Assange, free press & free speech.

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